How slime mould can save the world
In 2018, I founded RAIN, an organisation supporting Indigenous tribes, formerly enslaved populations and other marginalised communities in Brazil to regenerate their traditional lands and work towards food security and community autonomy.
My colleagues at RAIN and I take nature’s networks as our inspiration and model for doing this work. They include ant colonies, mycelia and my favourite - the humble slime mould.
Slime Mould in Theory and Practice
Two summers ago, I led a series of collective rituals inviting people to bring slime moulds into their magic to feed a new type of spirit for a new world - something in the shape of a branching network. As with all great works, I learned a little something on the way - in this case about how to nurture a regenerative network.
Slime Moulds & Multidimentional Networks
Networks in nature made up of single-celled creatures without brains or nervous systems can solve mazes, predict rhythms in time, efficiently distribute resources and share information for mutual aid and collective resilience.
What might we humans be capable of if we work together and connect with something that goes beyond us?
Collective Intelligence, Shamanism and how to regenerate our World
Networks in nature made up of single-celled creatures without brains or nervous systems can solve mazes, predict rhythms in time, efficiently distribute resources and share information for mutual aid and collective resilience. What might we humans be capable of if we work together and connect with something that goes beyond us?