The meek shall inherit… my arse!
Why would King James, famous for his anti-democratic machinations, his shameless financial extravagance and his costly military misadventure, want to mistranslate the Bible to exalt meekness?
Anarchy Inside
Occupy London returns to dust, our tents to ashes, but the seeds of resistance have been planted in the hearts of those who ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Eviction. What will emerge from those seeds, what runners and creepers, and what flowers will bloom in the coming seasons?
The End is Nigh! Occupy!
“The End is Nigh!” Delightful words, written in bold on a sandwich board or screamed out on a street corner in the ecstasy of doom. But what does it mean?
Let us reoccupy scripture and rescue the good news from bad translation.
Subversion on the Mount
A strike “on thy right cheek” from a righty is a backhand slap - how Roman men disciplined their slaves, wives and children. The violence is symbolic, intended to reinforce a hierarchy not to injure. Turning the other cheek challenges that hierarchy.