Hypnotising Hecate
This induction grew out of a collaboration with Ivy Bromius, an expert in the Greek Magical Papyri and other arcane texts whom I met through the Rune Soup podcast community (where we have both been interviewed). She threw a party when I was visiting Oregon, and together we evoked one of the forces of nature and the mind as personified in the poetry of Ancient Greece: Hecate, the guardian of liminal space.
Danny and Ivy about to get trancey
The path-working we did for the guests was so much fun that we decided to record it the following day. I invited a friend who had expressed an interest in going deeper with Hecate, Ivy brought in Tim Sailor of the Nightbird Radio podcast, and we told a few more people in a few groups. Finally, 16 people joined us online for a trip into an imaginary graveyard.
Louise reviews the Hecate induction
Read the rest or download the induction over at my hypno website - www.pattern-interrupt.co.uk
Statue of Hecate, Rome, 3rd century AD